

Let's start with an mb-form element. This will contain all the other form elements. The mb-submit element listens to any click event within the form and acts as a trigger to submit the form.

  <!-- To add more fields -->

We'll add a simple mb-input field to get the name of the user:

  <mb-input path="name" label="What's your name?"></mb-input>


The mb-form emits a custom event when the submit button is clicked. Upon submitting the form, we usually need to perform some action like posting to a server. In this case, we'll get the mb-form element by id and add an event listner to log the event to the console.

<mb-form id="form">
  <mb-input path="name" label="What's your name?"></mb-input>

  // Pure javascript version of JQuery's $('document').ready
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    var form = document.getElementById("form");
    // Listen for mb-submit event
    form.addEventListner("mb-submit", (event) => {

Output in the browser's console:

    "name": "Hello there"


Now let's try to bind some data back into a blank form. This is especially useful while editing content.

<mb-form id="form">
  <mb-input path="name" label="What's your name?"></mb-input>

  // Pure javascript version of JQuery's $('document').ready
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
    var form = document.getElementById("form");
    // Import openEHR flat compositions
    form.import({ name: "This data was already present" });

Congratulations! You now know the basics of Medblocks UI!

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