Building the SMART on Epic Application: Coding Tutorial

Dsc 0042 Original

Ashwin Swaminathan

Business Analyst

Now that we’ve looked at the fundamentals, let’s get into assembling it to make a fully functional application. Here’s the GitHub repository for reference.

We will be using React for this tutorial.

First, we’ll have to register the client, that is, our application with Epic here

  • Add an appropriate App name
  • Use the non-production client ID (takes 24 hours to function after registering)
  • Fill in the fields
  • Add the required scopes
  • Redirect URI: The callback page after oAuth

Let’s look at the overall app structure and the steps:

  • Home page to sign in to Epic for OAuth
  • A callback page that redirects from Epic
  • Patient detail page
  • Vitals page
  • Labs page
  • Medication page

The main functions include:

  • Fetch all .well-known endpoints on app initialization
  • Function to handle PKCE challenge
  • Constructor for creating the oAuth URL
  • Function to get the auth code and create a post URL for the access code
  • API calls to the FHIR server for patient, medication, observation, and vitals



// List of all endpoints
export const CONFIG = {
   ISSUER: '',
   CLIENT_ID: 'a56411ee-67d8-43be-a181-1ef625da3c64',
   REDIRECT_URI: 'http://localhost:5173/callback',

// Function to update multiple values at once
export function setWellKnown(authorization, token, issuer) {
   localStorage.setItem('token_endpoint', token);
   CONFIG.ISSUER = issuer;
   localStorage.setItem('issuer', issuer);

// Function to set the access token
export function setToken(access) {

// Function to set the code challenge and verifier
export function setChallenge(code_challenge, code_verifier) {
   CONFIG.CODE_CHALLENGE = code_challenge;
   CONFIG.CODE_VERIFIER = code_verifier;
   localStorage.setItem('code_verifier', code_verifier);

// Function to get all variables
export function getVariables() {
   return CONFIG;


The well-known endpoints can be fetched from the R4 base URl by concatenating .well-known/smart-configuration

async function getWellKnown(){
       const res = await axios.get('')
       const data =
       // Set the variables in the config to use in other files

export default getWellKnown


This is required when constructing the oAuth URL where the code challenge will be passed and in the access token request the associated code verifier will be passed in the body.

To construct this function, we will need to install the PKCE npm package.

The pkceChallenge() function will return

    code_verifier: 'u1ta-MQ0e7TcpHjgz33M2DcBnOQu~aMGxuiZt0QMD1C',
    code_challenge: 'CUZX5qE8Wvye6kS_SasIsa8MMxacJftmWdsIA_iKp3I'

Once done, this is our function utilizing the pkceChallenge()

import pkceChallenge from "pkce-challenge";

export async function getChallenge(){
   const {code_verifier, code_challenge} = await pkceChallenge();
   return {

You can call this function at places where the code challenge and verifier are needed, or save it in localStorage.


This is responsible for redirecting the user from the sign-in page to Epic’s page.

The URL structure is given in the documentation and the comments in the code. This function was made in a way to accept the parameters as arguments in the invoking page, which we will see soon as we assemble the pieces together.

export function authURL(authorization, redirect, client_id, code_challenge, base_url){

   // scope=launch
   // &response_type=code
   // &redirect_uri=[redirect_uri]
   // &client_id=[client_id]
   // &launch=[launch_token]
   // &state=[state]
   // &code_challenge=[code_challenge]
   // &code_challenge_method=S256&
   // aud=[audience]

   const authURL = `${authorization}?` +
       `scope=[launch fhirUser openid profile]&` +
       `response_type=code&` +
       `redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirect)}&` +
       `client_id=${encodeURIComponent(client_id)}&` +
       `code_challenge=${code_challenge}&` +
       `code_challenge_method=S256&` +
   return authURL


This function is responsible for getting the authorization code returned by the oAuth and sending a post URL to fetch the access token.

import { getVariables } from "../config/config";
import axios from "axios";

// This function takes the code from the URL and gets the token.
export async function getToken(){
   try {
       // Get the code from the redirect URL
       const token_endpoint = localStorage.getItem('token_endpoint')
       const params = new URLSearchParams(;
       const code = params.get('code');

       if (!code) {
           throw new Error("Authorization code not found in URL.");
           throw new Error("Token endpoint not available.")
       // Get stored configuration variables
       const config = getVariables();

       // Construct the token request body
       const body = new URLSearchParams({
           grant_type: "authorization_code",
           code: code,
           redirect_uri: config.REDIRECT_URI,
           client_id: config.CLIENT_ID,
           code_verifier: localStorage.getItem("code_verifier"),
       // Make the token request
       const res = await, body, {
           headers: {
               "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
       return; // Return the response for further use
   } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching token:", error.response ? : error.message);

The access token is received from the ‘Token endpoint’ which we had received from the .well-known endpoint.

The POST URL will require the parameters as listed in the documentation. Remember to use the code verifier received from the PKCE function.

This function will return the access token, patient ID, and token ID along with other data, but we will need the patient ID and access token to send the API request. Saving it to local or session storage will make it easier to retrieve.


This function does the API calls to theFHIR base URL which is nothing but the R4 URL without .well-known/smart/configuration. We will create a total of 4 functions for (Brackets are scopes):

  • Patient details (
  • Labs (
  • Vitals (
  • Medications (Medication.Search(R4))


This function returns the Patient resource from the FHIR server Remember to pass the access token and patient ID received from the token function.

// Get the info about the patient from FHIR
export async function getPatientDetails() {
   const access_token = localStorage.getItem("access_token");
   const patient_id = localStorage.getItem("patient_id");
   try {
       const res = await axios.get(`${CONFIG.FHIR_BASE_URL}/Patient/${patient_id}`, {
           headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}` }
   } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching patient details:", error.response ? : error.message);


Retrieves the medications of the patient. The API structure can be browsed here

// Get medication info about Patients from FHIR
export async function getPatientMedications() {
   const access_token = localStorage.getItem("access_token");
   const patient_id = localStorage.getItem("patient_id");

   try {
       const res = await axios.get(`${CONFIG.FHIR_BASE_URL}/MedicationRequest`, {
           params: {
               subject: patient_id

           headers: {
               "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`
   } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching medication details:", error.response ? : error.message);


Retrieves the observations (labs) of the patient. The API structure can be browsed here

// Get lab observation info about Patients from FHIR
export async function getPatientObservation() {
   const access_token = localStorage.getItem("access_token");
   const patient_id = localStorage.getItem("patient_id");

   try {
       const res = await axios.get(`${CONFIG.FHIR_BASE_URL}/Observation`, {
           params: {
               subject: patient_id,
               category: "laboratory",
               _count: '',
           headers: {
               "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`
   } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching lab observation details:", error.response ? : error.message);


Retrieves the observations (vitals) of the patient. The API structure can be browsed here

// Get vitals info about Patients from FHIR
export async function getPatientVitals() {
   const access_token = localStorage.getItem("access_token");
   const patient_id = localStorage.getItem("patient_id");
   try {
       const res = await axios.get(`${CONFIG.FHIR_BASE_URL}/Observation`, {
           params: {
               subject: patient_id,
               category: "vital-signs",

           headers: {
               "Authorization": `Bearer ${access_token}`
   } catch (error) {
       console.error("Error fetching vitals details:", error.response ? : error.message);


Now that all the functions have been modularised, let’s create the pages to invoke and display the data.

Note: For certain pages, we will create components to render the returned data. The import statements at the top specify the functions and components that we are combining in each page.


Home.jsx initiates the OAuth flow by redirecting the user to Epic's authorization endpoint.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import getWellKnown from '../auth/wellKnown';
import { getVariables } from '../config/config';
import { getChallenge } from '../auth/pcke';
import { setChallenge } from "../config/config";
import { authURL } from '../auth/authorization';
import SignIn from '../components/SignInButton';

function HomePage() {
   const [endPoints, setEndPoints] = useState(null);

   useEffect(() => {
       const configuration = async () => {
           // Get the endpoints and set the config vars
           await getWellKnown();
           // Get the challenges
           const challenge = await getChallenge();
           // Set the challenge vars
           setChallenge(challenge.code_challenge, challenge.code_verifier) 
           // Get all the vars
           const variables = getVariables();

   }, []);

   function handleSignIn() {
       if (!endPoints) {
       // Pass the vars to construct the URL
       const epicURL = authURL(
       // Relocate to the URL for Auth
       window.location.href = epicURL;

   return (
           {endPoints ? (
               <SignIn handleSignIn={handleSignIn} />
           ) : (
               <p>Loading configuration...</p>

export default HomePage;

This page uses the sign-in button component:

import React from "react";
import "../styles/SignIn.css";

function SignIn({ handleSignIn }) {
   return (
       <div className="signin-container">
           <div className="signin-card">
               <h2>Welcome to the SMART on Epic FHIR Portal</h2>
               <p>Access your health data securely and efficiently.</p>
               <button className="signin-button" onClick={handleSignIn}>
                   Sign In with Epic

export default SignIn;


CallBack.jsx handles the OAuth redirect, retrieves and stores the access token, then navigates to the Patient Home page.

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { getToken } from "../auth/getToken";
import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
import { setToken } from "../config/config";

// Function handles the oAuth redirect back
function CallBack() {
   const navigate = useNavigate();

   useEffect(() => {
       const fetchToken = async () => {
           try {
               const tokenData = await getToken();
               if (tokenData) {
                   // Save the access token
                   localStorage.setItem("access_token", tokenData.access_token);
                   localStorage.setItem("patient_id", tokenData.patient);
                   // Set the access_token in the config

                   navigate("/patient-home"); // Redirect if successful
           } catch (error) {
               console.error("Token retrieval failed:", error);

   }, [navigate]);

   return <h1>Processing authentication...</h1>;

export default CallBack;


PatientHome.jsx Displays patient details by fetching data from the FHIR API.

// PatientPage.jsx
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { getPatientDetails } from "../api/fhirQueryFunctions";
import Navbar from "../components/NavBar";
import PatientDetailsList from "../components/PatientDetails";
// The Patient info page
function PatientPage() {
   const [details, setDetails] = useState(null);
   useEffect(() => {
       const fetchDetails = async () => {
           const patient = await getPatientDetails();
   }, []);
   return (
           <PatientDetailsList details={details} />
export default PatientPage;

Uses a component PatientDetail.jsx to render the details:

import React from "react";
import "../styles/PatientDetails.css"

// Render the patient detail list
function PatientDetailsList({ details }) {
   if (!details) return <p>Loading patient details...</p>;

   // Extract relevant data
   const fullName =[0]?.text || "N/A";
   const birthDate = details.birthDate || "N/A";
   const gender = details.gender ? details.gender.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + details.gender.slice(1) : "N/A";
   const epicId = details.identifier?.find(id => id.type.text === "EPIC")?.value || "N/A";

   return (
       <div className="patient-card">
           <h2>Patient Details</h2>
           <div className="patient-info">
               <p><strong>Full Name:</strong> {fullName}</p>
               <p><strong>Gender:</strong> {gender}</p>
               <p><strong>EPIC ID:</strong> {epicId}</p>
               <p><strong>Date of Birth:</strong> {birthDate}</p>

export default PatientDetailsList;


Labs.jsx displays the labs of the patient.

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { getPatientObservation } from '../api/fhirQueryFunctions';
import PatientLabList from '../components/LabDetails';
import Navbar from '../components/NavBar'

function Labs(){
   const [details, setDetails] = useState(null);

   useEffect(() => {
       const fetchDetails = async () => {
           const labs = await getPatientObservation();
   }, []);

   return (
           <PatientLabList details={details} />
export default Labs;

Uses a component LabDetails.jsx to render the details:

import '../styles/PatientLab.css';

function PatientLabList({ details }) {
   if (!details) return <p className="loading">Loading patient Labs...</p>;

   // Get the entries from the details object
   const labEntries = details?.entry || [];

   // If there are no valid lab entries, show an appropriate message
   if (labEntries.length === 0) return <p className="no-results">No lab results found.</p>;

   return (
       <div className="patient-lab-results">
           <h2>Patient Lab Results</h2>
           {, index) => {
               // Check if the resource is of type "Observation" and valid
               const observation = entry?.resource;
               if (!observation || observation.resourceType !== "Observation") return null;

               // Extract relevant information from the Observation resource
               const testName = observation?.code?.text || "Unknown Test";
               const resultValue = observation?.valueQuantity?.value ?? "N/A";
               const unit = observation?.valueQuantity?.unit || "";
               const date = observation?.effectiveDateTime
                   ? new Date(observation.effectiveDateTime).toLocaleDateString()
                   : "Unknown Date";

               // Display the observation details within a card
               return (
                   <div key={ || index} className="lab-card">
                       <p><strong>Test:</strong> {testName}</p>
                       <p><strong>Result:</strong> {resultValue} {unit}</p>
                       <p><strong>Date:</strong> {date}</p>
                       <p><strong>Encounter:</strong> {observation?.encounter?.display || "Unknown Encounter"}</p>
                       <hr />

export default PatientLabList;


Vitals.jsx displays the vitals of the patient.

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { getPatientVitals } from '../api/fhirQueryFunctions';
import VitalsList from '../components/VitalsList';
import Navbar from '../components/NavBar'

function Vitals() {
   const [details, setDetails] = useState(null);

   useEffect(() => {
       const fetchDetails = async () => {
           const vitals = await getPatientVitals();
   }, []);

   return (
           <VitalsList details={details} />

export default Vitals;

Uses component VitalsList.jsx Note: Vitals is an extensive bundle, hence we will group the data according to the date it was recorded in a tabular format.

import React from "react";
import '../styles/PatientVitals.css';

// Render the vitals list
function VitalsList({ details }) {
   if (!details) return <p>Loading patient vitals...</p>;

   // Extract the entries from the FHIR response
   const entries = details?.entry || [];

   // If there are no entries, display a message indicating no results
   if (entries.length === 0) {
       return <p>No vital signs found.</p>;

   // Group vitals by date
   const vitalsByDate = entries.reduce((acc, entry) => {
       const observation = entry?.resource;
       if (!observation || observation.resourceType !== "Observation") return acc;

       const date = observation?.effectiveDateTime
           ? new Date(observation.effectiveDateTime).toLocaleDateString()
           : "Unknown Date";

       // Check for Blood Pressure and combine systolic and diastolic readings
       const code = observation?.code?.text || "Unknown Vital Sign";
       let value = "N/A";
       let unit = observation?.valueQuantity?.unit || "";

       if (code.toLowerCase().includes("blood pressure")) {
           // Find systolic and diastolic values
           const systolic = observation?.component?.find(c => c.code?.text === "Systolic blood pressure");
           const diastolic = observation?.component?.find(c => c.code?.text === "Diastolic blood pressure");

           if (systolic && diastolic) {
               value = `${systolic.valueQuantity.value} / ${diastolic.valueQuantity.value}`;
               unit = systolic.valueQuantity.unit?.replace(/\[|\]/g, ""); // Remove square brackets from the unit
       } else {
           value = observation?.valueQuantity?.value ?? "N/A";

       // Group by date
       if (!acc[date]) {
           acc[date] = [];
       acc[date].push({ code, value, unit });
       return acc;
   }, {});

   // Render vitals grouped by date in a table format
   return (
       <div className="vitals-list">
           <h3>Patient Vitals Table</h3>
                       <th>Vital Sign</th>
                   {Object.keys(vitalsByDate).map((date, index) => (
                       <React.Fragment key={date}>
                               <td rowSpan={vitalsByDate[date].length}>{date}</td>
                               <td>{vitalsByDate[date][0].value} {vitalsByDate[date][0].unit}</td>
                           {vitalsByDate[date].slice(1).map((vital, i) => (
                               <tr key={{date}-vital-{i}}>
                                   <td>{vital.value} {vital.unit}</td>
export default VitalsList;


Medications.jsx displays the medications of the patient.

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import MedicationsList from '../components/MedicationList'
import { getPatientMedications } from '../api/fhirQueryFunctions';
import Navbar from '../components/NavBar'

function Medications(){
   const [details, setDetails] = useState(null);
       useEffect(() => {
           const fetchDetails = async () => {
               const medications = await getPatientMedications();
       }, []);
           <MedicationsList details={details}/>
export default Medications;

Uses component MedicationList.jsx

import React from "react";

// Render the medications list or warnings if no medications are found
function MedicationsList({ details }) {
   if (!details) return <p>Loading patient medications...</p>;

   // Check if there are any medication entries in the response
   const entries = details?.entry || [];
   // If no entries, show a message
   if (entries.length === 0) {
       const warning = details?.entry[0]?.resource?.issue?.map((issue, index) => (
           <div key={index}>
               <strong>{issue.severity.toUpperCase()}:</strong> {issue.diagnostics}
       return (
               <h3>No medication results found</h3>

   // If entries exist, map through the data
   return (
           <h3>Patient Medications</h3>
           {, index) => {
               // Check for valid "MedicationRequest" resource
               const resource = entry?.resource;
               if (!resource || resource.resourceType !== "MedicationRequest") return null;

               // Render the details for each valid medication entry
               return (
                   <div key={index} className="medication-card">
                       <p><strong>Medication:</strong> {resource?.medicationCodeableConcept?.text || "Unknown Medication"}</p>
                       <p><strong>Status:</strong> {resource?.status || "Unknown Status"}</p>
                       <p><strong>Authored On:</strong> {resource?.authoredOn || "Unknown Date"}</p>
                       <hr />
export default MedicationsList;


Created as a component Navbar.jsx and called in pages where navbar rendering is required.

import React from "react";
import { Link } from "react-router-dom";
import "../styles/Navbar.css";

function Navbar() {
   return (
       <nav className="navbar">
           <div className="navbar-logo">Patient Portal</div>
           <ul className="navbar-links">
               <li><Link to="/patient-home">Home</Link></li>
               <li><Link to="/vitals">Vitals</Link></li>
               <li><Link to="/labs">Lab</Link></li>
               <li><Link to="/medications">Medication</Link></li>
export default Navbar;


import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom';
import HomePage from './pages/Home';
import CallBack from './pages/CallBack';
import PatientHome from './pages/PatientHome';
import Labs from './pages/Labs';
import Medications from './pages/Medications';
import Vitals from './pages/Vitals';

function App() {
   return (
               <Route path="/" element={<HomePage />} />
               <Route path="/callback" element={<CallBack />} />
               <Route path="/patient-home" element={<PatientHome />} />
               <Route path="/labs" element={<Labs />} />
               <Route path="/medications" element={<Medications />} />
               <Route path="/vitals" element={<Vitals />} />

export default App;


We modularized key functions to handle tasks like retrieving endpoints, managing authorization codes, fetching access tokens, extracting patient IDs, and making API calls to the FHIR server—all neatly organized for better maintainability. Using these modular functions, we integrated the logic into their respective pages, triggering API calls when the pages render. For better clarity and structure, we passed the fetched data to dedicated components responsible for displaying the information. Finally, we added a Navbar for seamless navigation between pages and combined everything in the App.jsx file to bring the entire application together.

Congratulations! You have successfully built the SMART on EPIC application that connects to Epic’s oAuth and fetches patient details.

Your hard work has paid off!

Join our FHIR webinar to learn more about building advanced healthcare applications. You’ll receive step-by-step guidance on the fundamentals of FHIR with which you can create your app, driving innovation and improving patient care.

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